What is a policy?

    A policy is a document which guides council’s decision making on a particular issue.  In this case council is obligated to have a policy to guide it when it is considering any applications for new venues to be used for Class 4 Gambling activities or TABs which are stand alone.   

    What will the policy cover?

    Under the Gambling Act 2003, Council’s policy: 

    • Must specify whether or not Class 4 venues may be established and, if so, where they may be located within the district; 
    • May specify any restrictions on the maximum number of gaming machines that may be operated at a venue, and; 
    • May include a relocation policy. 

    The Gambling Act 2003 sets a maximum number of nine machines for new venues. Council is able to set a lower limit through its policy. Council cannot close Class 4 gaming venues. 

    Under the Racing Industry Act 2020, Council’s policy: 

    • Must specify whether or not new TAB venues may be established and, if so, where they may be located within the district 

    How is the policy reviewed?

    The policy will be reviewed in two stages.

    Stage one: Consultation on the options

    Between 24 July and 21 August 2023, Council consulted on how gambling venues could be managed in Buller. The community could express its views by making a written submission.

    After considering all submissions, Council will agree on one option per key issue and make changes to the current Class 4 Gambling and Totalisator Agency Board (TAB) Venue Policy 2018. This will result in a draft Class 4 Gambling and Totalisator Agency Board (TAB) Venue Policy for Buller.

    Stage two: Consultation on the draft policy

    Once the draft policy is finalised, Council will conduct a second consultation to collect the communities' feedback on it.

    After considering all submissions in this second consultation, Council will make any further changes to the draft Class 4 Gambling and Totalisator Agency Board (TAB) Venue Policy. The final policy will be adopted by Council and come into effect as soon as it is adopted.

    What are Board (TAB) venues?

    A Board (TAB) Venue is any premises owned or leased by the New Zealand Racing Board and where the main business carried out is providing racing-betting or sports-betting services. These are standalone venues and do not include TAB outlets or agencies that are additional activities of a bar or hotel, such as self-service TAB terminals.

    How is gambling controlled in New Zealand?

    The oversight of Class 4 Gambling venues and TAB venues sits with the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) which is responsible for the licensing of operators. The DIA also regulates, audits and investigates all types of gambling activity. 

    Councils are responsible for issuing consents for venues that wish to provide Class 4 or TAB gambling services. Council Gambling and TAB venue policies specify: 

    • where new Class 4 venues and TAB venues may be located; and 
    • the number of machines that can operate in the venue. 

    Venue policies cannot take away licences that have already been granted. Class 4 gambling and TAB operators must hold both an operator’s and a venue license.