Frequently asked questions

Kia ora, if you have questions about using this website you may find the answers below. If you cannot find an answer to your question please email 

How to use this website?

Each page is dedicated to one consultation or engagement, displaying an overview of the consultation or engagement on the top left. You will find more information on the right, including the timeline, important documents, links, and FAQs. Below the overview, you will find grey tabs with different titles. To access the content of each tab, click on the text in the tab you want to view; and the information will appear below. 

Do I need to be registered to participate?

You do not have to register to participate in our consultations or engagements. There are other options, how to give us your feedback or make a submission.

Other ways to provide your feedback?

We encourage you to register and use this website to give us your feedback or make a submission, but there are also other options to participate:

  • Download a submission form and email it to
  • Collect a paper submission form from Council’s offices and libraries in Westport and Reefton, or from the Visitor Centres in Karamea and Northern Buller
  • Post your submissions to Buller District Council, PO Box 21, Westport 7866
  • Hand deliver submissions to Councils’ Westport offices and the Reefton Visitor and Service Centre

What are the benefits of registering?

Registering is quick and simple. By signing up, you can save your feedback or submission and complete it later. You can easily find and read the feedback you've sent to us. You’ll be informed about upcoming projects and initiatives you are interested in. It also helps us to better understand who we are engaging with. Your personal details will not appear online when you are logged in to your account. Only your username will appear on the website. If you want to stay anonymous, you need to log out of your account.

Will my privacy be protected?

Yes. Your privacy is protected as Let’s talk Buller is hosted and moderated by an external independent service provider -, Bang the Table. No third parties have access to or will be provided with your details. For further information, refer to the privacy policy.

What happens with my feedback?

Your feedback is collated along with other comments, ideas and suggestions and is used to inform Council decisions. Online data is used alongside face-to-face consultation activities such as workshops, drop-in sessions, and paper submissions. Once all of this information is collated, our staff will write a report summarising the feedback that we received. Elected members will consider this report and the individual feedback. Look at each consultation or engagement page to find out the timeline and when feedback is due to be reported to elected members.

I have tried registering, but my email address has already been taken. How is this possible?

There are a couple of possibilities: 

  • Someone else in your family has used your email address to establish an account in the past
  • You have used this site before and forgotten your sign-in details. If this is the case, see the question below, 'I've forgotten my password and/or my username. What should I do?'

I've forgotten my password and/or my username. What should I do?

Don't worry, we all do it. We've tried to make this process as simple as possible:

  1. Click the "Login" link on the top right of the screen. 
  2. Click the "Forgotten password" link under the "Sign in" button.
  3. Type in your email address and click "Enter". You will then receive an email with your Username and a link back to the site. Click on that link to reset your password.
  4. Sign in with your old username and new password.

I signed up but didn't receive the activation email. What should I do?

There are a few reasons this might have happened: 

  • The email may have gone into your "Spam email" folder. Check there first. Your email service provider may have a very strong firewall that is blocking the activation email. This happens occasionally. Contact your service provider. 
  • You may have typed your email address incorrectly - it's very easy to inadvertently use a comma instead of a full-stop if you're in a rush. An accidental full stop or underscore can make all the difference! 

How can I edit my profile?

  • Log into your account on Let’s talk Buller.
  • Once you're logged in you'll see your Username above the Homepage banner in the top right-hand corner.
  • Click on the drop-down arrow, which brings up a menu
  • Click "Profile" and make any updates.

Who can I contact about

If you have any questions/feedback about the content of the website or consultations you can either: 

  • Email
  • Get in touch with our customer service team on 0800 807 239

How is this site moderated?

Site moderation will be conducted by the web platform provider, Bang the Table. The moderators do not edit or alter any comments and will only remove comments deemed to be offensive or malicious, in which case they are removed from the site immediately. Any participant that has a comment removed will be notified and the reasons explained. Please be respectful of the opinions of others.

For further information take a look at the Forum Etiquette & Moderation page.